§ Captain REDMOND (by Private Notice)asked the Parliamentary Secretary 1536 to the Ministry of Shipping what steps are being taken by the Shipping Controller to enable the. extra supply of coal allocated to Ireland to be shipped there without delay!
§ The PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY to the MINISTRY of SHIPPING (Colonel Leslie Wilson)The Shipping Controller has added within the last few days thirteen additional ships to the amount of tonnage running to Ireland. These ships total about 11,000 tons cargo capacity, and should make more than one voyage a week. In addition, the priority which is now given to vessels loading cargoes of coal in South Wales to United Kingdom destinations should result in the tonnage, previously employed in the Irish trade carrying a considerably larger amount of coal.
§ Captain REDMONDMay I ask whether this extra tonnage will enable the three different areas in Ireland—the Northern, the Midland, and the Southern—to receive adequate supplies.
§ Colonel WILSONYes, Sir, the destination of the extra ships will be so allocated as to distribute the supply between all ports requiring coal in Ireland.