HC Deb 09 March 1920 vol 126 c1111
75. Mr. ROYCE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture whether he is aware that certain farmers contemplate ploughing up their winter wheat already sown, and re-sowing the land with barley for consumption by their own stock or selling off the farm; whether, by adopting this process, a profit of over £7 per acre can be shown; and what steps he proposes in the above event to safeguard the nation's food?


I am not aware that any farmers intend to plough up their winter wheat, but I have heard that some farmers propose to cross-drill their wheat with barley or oats so as to secure a crop of mixed corn which can be used for stock feeding. Such action would not constitute any offence against the law, but I should deprecate it as being contrary to the national interest.


Are the Government yet in a position to say they have amended their statements in the direction of being prepared to give fairer treatment for 1920 growers?


I am not in a position to make any further statement.