HC Deb 09 March 1920 vol 126 c1098
43. Sir J. REMNANT

asked if policemen who had retired and were in receipt of pensions previous to the Police Emergency Act were compelled on rejoining to resume their pension contributions out of their wages without getting any increase in their pensions?


Those of the police in question who rejoined did so voluntarily. In order to comply with the provisions of the Police Act, 1890, a nominal deduction of 1s. per annum was made in the Metropolitan area, and I am informed a similar nominal deduction was made in other forces. The terms of rejoining did not include any increase of pension.


When the right hon. Gentleman says any other force does he mean all other forces? Has he information which will enable him to say whether the East Riding authorities deducted a nominal sum?


I will look into that. I am not able to answer at the moment