HC Deb 09 March 1920 vol 126 c1089
5. Mr. LYLE

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Government can confirm the reports, as published in the politico-economic organ of the Soviet Government of Russia, to the effect that the chief cause of the terrible situation of the Russian industries is the lack of all discipline and order in the factories; that the works councils and factory committees, whose function it was to establish order in the factories, have only done harm, and have destroyed the last vestige of discipline and played havoc with the plant; and that all these circumstances have compelled the abolition of works councils and the appointment at the head of the most important undertakings of dictators with unlimited powers over the lives of the workers?


The answer is in the negative.


Could not the hon. Baronet possibly consider whether he could issue a statement regarding the diabolical state of affairs in Russia to-day in order to counteract the propaganda which is going on on the other side pretending that things are all right there?


The hon. Member should give notice of that question.