§ 22. Mr. GILBERTasked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will 880 state what is the present staff employed in the Coal Controller's Department; what buildings are at present occupied by this staff; and what is the approximate annual cost of this department, and if same is paid out of any pooling of the profits of the department or if it is a charge upon the taxes?
§ Mr. BRIDGEMANThe Headquarters staff of the Coal Mines Department numbers 422 officials and occupies the first four floors of the Hotel Windsor. The local staff numbers 260, and is housed in divisional offices in 16 different areas. The estimated approximate annual cost for the financial year 1920–21 (including the Treasury contribution towards the expenses of Local Authorities under the Household Fuel and Lighting Orders) is £550,000.
There is at present no law which enables the expenses to be recovered out of the profits of the industry, and up to 31st March, 1919, they were a charge upon the taxes; but the Coal Mines (Emergency) Bill provides for them to be charged upon the share of the profits which, under that Bill, will enure to the Controller. It is expected that for the period of the operation of the Bill the share will suffice to enable the expenses to be repaid to the Exchequer in full, and so to prevent any further charge upon the taxes.
§ Mr. BRIDGEMANThis figure is for 1920–21. The figure given upstairs was for 1919–20.