HC Deb 01 March 1920 vol 126 cc6-8

asked the Minister of Transport if the Ministry of Transport has refused representation on the Roads Advisory Committee to the British Rubber Tyre Manufacturers' Association; whether he is aware that the only part of a vehicle that comes in contact with the road surface is the tyre, and that therefore the chief possibility of reduction or aggravation of road wear lies in the construction and perfection of the various forms of tyres; and whether he will reconsider his decision in view of the importance of having the best technical advice on this important subject on the Roads Advisory Committee?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The representation of bodies such as the British Rubber Tyre Manufacturers' Association on the Roads Advisory Committee is not provided for, or required, in Section 22 (2) of the Ministry of Transport Act, and I do not think it desirable that associations of this character should have direct representation on the Committee, though the Committee will doubtless take steps to make itself acquainted with the views of the traders affected.


What steps are being taken by the Government to ascertain the result of experiments in wheels and tyres as to the relative amount of road destruction occasioned by them?


If the hon. Member gives notice I shall be glad to answer.


asked the Minister of Transport what method is followed in selecting the personnel of the Roads Advisory Committees whether representatives of the rural district councils have, been selected: and, if not, will he favourably consider the appointment of such a representative or representatives, in view of the mileage of roads for which these councils are responsible?

23. Captain TUDOR-REES

asked the Minister of Transport whether, in view of the fact that rural district councils control nearly 100,000 miles of roads, he will consider the advisability of including a representative or representatives of these councils on the Roads Advisory Committee appointed or to be appointed under Section 22 of The Ministry of Transport Act, 1919?

24. Lieut.-Colonel BELL

asked the Minister of Transport whether he has received a communication from the Rural District Councils Association, pointing out that no representative of the rural district councils has been appointed on the Roads Advisory Committee, formed under Section 22 of The Ministry of Transport Act, 1019; and whether he is prepared to consider sympathetically the question of appointing such a representative?

46. Lieut.-Colonel HILDER

asked the Minister of Transport whether, in view of there being nearly 100,000 miles of roads under the superintendence of the rural district councils, he can see his way to grant their request, made through the Rural District Councils Association, for a representative on the Roads Advisory Committee?


A representative of the Rural District Councils' Association has been nominated to serve on the Roads Advisory Committee. I am, waiting to hear from the gentleman so nominated whether he is willing to serve. The name of the representative of the rural district councils will be announced in due course.