HC Deb 01 March 1920 vol 126 c37
85. Major O'NEILL

asked the Postmaster-General on what duty Mr. John Wilson, formerly a rural auxiliary postman at Ballymena, is now employed; whether he has served in the Post Office for over twelve years and always given satisfaction; whether he has recently been passed over for promotion to a full-time-appointment; and, if so, can he give the reasons?

The POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Mr. Illingworth)

Mr. Wilson is still employed as an auxiliary postman at Ballymena. Full-time postmanships are reserved for boy messengers and ex-soldiers and sailors; and, as Mr. Wilson has not served with the Forces, it was not possible to consider him in connection with a new appointment which has been created at Ballymena.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this particular man is prevented from serving on account of a very serious illness in his family, and cannot some special consideration be given to him?


I am afraid that I cannot add anything to what I have already said.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that this man is Grand Master of the local Orange Lodge, and should he not be given some special distinction?