§ 83. Mr. E. WOODasked the Parliamenary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture whether his attention has been drawn to the Order of the Agricultural Wages Board varying the minimum rates of wages at present in force for female workers in England and Wales; and what reason is given for fixing the minimum wages for women of 18 years and over in Yorkshire at 2d. to 3d. an hour above those payable all over the rest of England and Wales?
The PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY to the MINISTRY of AGRICULTURE (Sir Arthur Boscawen)Before making their Order of the 21st May, revising the minimum rates of wages in force for female workers employed in agriculture throughout England and Wales, the Wages Board had consulted the District Wages Committees in the matter, and the revised rate of 10d. per hour for female 448 workers of 18 years of age and over in Yorkshire was fixed in accordance with the unanimous recommendation of the District Wages Committee for that area. As my hon. Friend may be aware, owing to doubt having arisen as to the validity of the Order so far as it relates to Yorkshire, the Wages Board gave notice on the 4th June of a proposal to cancel that part of it which affects Yorkshire, the Order being unaffected as regards the rest of the country. The notice in question proposes to make a separate Order for Yorkshire fixing the minimum rate for that area at 10d. per hour for female workers of 18 years of age and over, with proportionate rates for girls and for overtime employment. In accordance with the procedure laid down in the Corn Production Act, any objections to the proposal may be lodged with the Wages Board within one month from the date of the notice.
§ Mr. WOODAre we to understand from that that the Wages Board propose to make a corresponding increase in other parts of England?
Sir A. BOSCAWENNo, Sir, I think not. This particular proposal was made in consequence of a unanimous recommendation of the Yorkshire District Wages Board.
§ Mr. WOODCan the right hon. Gentleman answer the last part of my question, as to the reason for fixing a higher minimum for women in Yorkshire?