HC Deb 28 June 1920 vol 131 cc40-1

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture what steps, if any, are being taken by the Ministry, as urged by the Selborne Report on agricultural policy, to encourage and revive pig-keeping among cottagers in rural areas, with the view to promoting the production of greater supplies of pig meat in this country; whether, as these small producers require some form of cheap insurance to protect themselves against loss, the Ministry is doing anything to promote the formation of small mutual pig insurance societies; to promote village domestic industries through women's institutes or otherwise; and to improve the social life of the cottager population by the establishment of village halls, village institutes, and such like organisations?


The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Act, 1919 (Section 8, Sub-section 4), provides that County Agricultural Committees shall make such inquiries as they consider desirable with a view to formulating schemes for the development of rural industries and social life in rural places. The Ministry has formed a Rural Industries Branch, under the direction of Sir John Green. Active steps are being taken to encourage and to revive the keeping of pigs and other small livestock among cottagers, and no less than 123 mutual clubs or societies for the purpose have already been formed. The question of insurance of livestock by cottagers has been investigated, and rules for the mutual insurance of pigs and cows have been printed and circulated. With regard to the concluding portion of the question, grants from the Development Fund have been given to the Federation of Women's Institutes and to the Village Clubs' Association for the purpose of assisting the establishment of women's institutes and village clubs.

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