HC Deb 28 June 1920 vol 131 cc146-8

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—

The expression "existing" means existing at the appointed day:

The expression "constituency" means a county, borough, or university returning a member or members to serve in the House of Commons of Southern or Northern Ireland, or the Parliament of the United Kingdom, as the case requires:

The expression "Parliamentary elector" means a person entitled to be registered as a voter at a Parliamentary election:

The expression "Parliamentary election" means the election of a member to serve in the Parliament of the United Kingdom:

The expression "election laws" means the laws relating to the election of members to serve in the Parliament of the United Kingdom, other than those relating to the qualification of electors, and includes all the laws respecting the registration of electors, the issue and execution of writs, the creation of polling districts, the taking of the poll, the method of voting and counting votes, the questioning of elections, corrupt and illegal practices, the oath, qualification and disqualification of members, and the vacating of seats:

The expression "Customs duties" includes export duties as well as import duties:

The expression "Excess Profit Duty" includes any tax on War-time increases of wealth, and any other tax which may hereafter be imposed in lieu of Excess Profits Duty:

The expression "postal service" includes any telegraphic and telephonic service, and the issue, transmission, and payment of Post Office money orders and postal orders, but shall not include duties with respect to old age pensions or national health insurance undertaken by the Postmaster-General or such other duties of a similar character undertaken by him as may be excluded by Order in Council:

The expression "submarine cable" includes any land lines used solely for the purpose of connecting a submarine cable with another submarine cable:

The expression "treasury of Southern or Northern Ireland" means the department or officer, by whatever name called, for the time being entrusted with the administration of finance in Southern and Northern Ireland respectively:

The expression "salary" includes remuneration, allowances, and emoluments:

The expression "pension" includes superannuation allowance and gratuity, and in relation to an officer or constable of the Royal Irish Constabulary or Dublin Metropolitan Police includes a pension or gratuity payable to the widow or children of an officer or constable:

The expression "office" includes any place, situation, or employment, and the expression "officer" shall be construed accordingly:

The expression "officer" in relation to the Royal Irish Constabulary includes the Inspector-General, the Deputy-Inspector-General, an Assistant-Inspector-General, the Assistant-Inspector-General-Commandant of the Depôt, the Town Inspector at Belfast, a county inspector, a surgeon, a storekeeper and barrack-master, the veterinary-surgeon, and a district inspector, and in relation to the Dublin Metropolitan Police, includes the Chief Commissioner and Assistant-Commissioner:

The expression "constable" in relation to the Royal Irish Constabulary includes the head-constable-major, a head-constable, sergeant, acting sergeant, and constable; and in relation to the Dublin Metropolitan Police includes every member of that force not being of higher rank than chief superintendent, and not being a member of the clerical staff only:

The expression "Royal Irish Constabulary" includes the reserve force of that body.

Amendment made: After the word "respectively" ["in Northern and Southern Ireland respectively"] insert the words "The expression 'County Court Judge' includes 'Recorder.'"— [Mr. D. M. Wilson.]

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.