HC Deb 24 June 1920 vol 130 cc2347-8
4. Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he has yet received recent official information to the effect that Sinn Fein volunteers have seized 20 rifles at the house of Mr. Watson, Beech Park, near Lurgan; whether the police are making inquiries; and whether proceedings are to be instituted against this gentleman for the possession of these arms?


I have nothing to add to the reply given by me to the previous question asked by my hon. and gallant Friend on this subject on Thursday last.

Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

May I ask whether inquiries are being made—which the right hon. Gentleman was unable to tell me last Thursday—and, if not, whether they will be made; and whether the law as regards possessing firearms is going to be applied impartially in Ireland or not?


May I ask whether, if the statements contained in this question be true, the right hon. Gentleman will have the Sinn Feiners prosecuted, firstly, for robbery with violence, secondly, for having illegal firearms in their possession; and may I ask, lastly, whether my hon. and gallant Friend (Lieut.-Commander Kenworthy) has not discovered a gigantic mare's nest?


I have already informed my hon. and gallant Friend that I have made inquiries and can find no evidence to support the statement made. As regards the other part of the question, all these cases in which arms are found in houses are submitted to me, and I invariably, without regard to politics or religion or personal feeling, have directed prosecutions—in many cases against Unionists.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Is there no truth at all in the Press statements about the raid on this house by Sinn Feiners, or the seizure of arms?


The question I was asked, and which I dealt with, was as to the possibility of a prosecution against the gentleman referred to. I have already informed my hon. and gallant Friend that I can find no evidence to sustain a charge.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that this case was included in the official list of outrages published by Dublin Castle? [HON. MEMBERS: "Order, order!"] Do not you want to hear the truth? Obviously not.