§ 5. Major O'NEILLasked the Chief Secretary for Ireland what progress has been made up to date under the Irish Land (Provision for Sailors and Soldiers) Act, 1919?
§ Mr. HENRYUnder the Irish Land (Provision for Sailors and Soldiers) Act, 1919, which enables the Estates Commissioners to acquire untenanted land for the provision of agricultural holdings for ex-service men, the Commissioners have made offers to purchase some 4,200 acres, and their offers have been accepted in respect of some 750 acres, but the proceedings have not yet sufficiently advanced in these cases to take possession of the lands. In respect of 870 acres for which their offers have not been accepted, compulsory proceedings have been instituted by the Commissioners.. In addition, the Commissioners are negotiating for and making inquiries as regards other lands. The Local Government Board have now almost completed thirty-five schemes for the provision of cottages and plots for 716 ex-service men. They have also undertaken to purchase by agreement about 100 acres of land for the purpose of some of the above schemes.
§ Major O'NEILLCan the right hon. Gentleman say whether any ex-service men have been yet settled on the land in Ireland?
Lieut.-Colonel ALLENHas the right hon. Gentleman any information as to 2356 where this land is in Ireland—in what province?
§ Commander Viscount CURZONHas the right hon. Gentleman any information which will go to show that the Sinn Fein party will allow the ex-service men to take possession of such land?
§ Mr. SPEAKERThe Noble Lord should give notice of that question.