HC Deb 23 June 1920 vol 130 cc2183-4

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what was the cost of the Imperial Institute building; in what proportions was the same provided from the United Kingdom, India, and the various Colonies respectively; will he inform the House who are the present trustees or Council; what functions they perform; and how often they meet?

Colonel WILSON

As the reply is a rather lengthy one, I propose with the hon. Member's permission to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

The following is the reply indicated:

  1. (1) Approximately £337,000.
  2. (2) Nearly three-fifths from the United Kingdom, from India a little over one-fourth, and the remainder from the Dominions and Colonies.
  3. (3) The Council are:—Lord Islington (Chairman), Viscount Burnham, Lord Emmott, Sir William Taylor, Sir Owen Philipps, Sir R. Kindersley, Sir Algernon Firth, Sir R. Threlfall, Mr. D. O. Malcolm, 2184 Mr. G. Grindle, Mr. A. Fiddian, and the Director; the High Commissioners for the Dominions, representing the Dominion Governments; Sir J. P. Hewitt and Mr. L. J. Kershaw, representing the India Office; Sir R. W. Carlyle, representing the Government of India; Sir Daniel Hall, Hall, representing the Ministry of Agriculture; Mr. R. W. Matthew and Mr. P. W. L. Ashley, representing the Board of Trade.
  4. (4) The Council is charged with the administration of the Imperial Institute, subject to the general direction and control of the Secretary of State for the Colonies.
  5. (5) The Council itself meets once a quarter, but the Finance and General Purposes Committee of the Council meets every month.

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