HC Deb 22 June 1920 vol 130 c1999
59. Captain TUDOR-REES

asked the `Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the staff employed under the Treasury has been decreased or increased during the last 12 months; if increased, what is the extra annual cost; and what is the number of persons involved?


Since the 1st July, 1919, the staff of the Treasury has been increased by 81 of all ranks, representing approximately £56,500 in salaries and war bonus. The reorganisation and expansion of the Treasury have been requisite to carry out the policy continually advocated in this House of strengthening Treasury control over public expenditure. In this connection, I may refer the hon. and gallant Member to the recommendations contained in the Second Report of the Select Committee on National Expenditure (House of Commons Paper 167, Session 1917), paragraphs 10 (d) and 15.


Has the Treasury actually exercised control over expenditure?


That must be a matter of opinion. In my opinion, they are exercising economy more and more.