HC Deb 21 June 1920 vol 130 cc1967-8

First Schedule.

Form of Notice by Landlord.

Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act, 1920.



Address of premises to which this notice refers

Take notice that I intend to increase the rent of l. s. d. per at present payable by you as tenant of the above-named premises by the amount of 1. s. d. per

The increase is made up as follows:—

  1. (a) l. s. d. under paragraph (a) of Sub-section (1) of Section two of the Act, being six [eight] per cent. On l. s. d. expended by me since [insert date] on improvements and structural alterations, and consisting of *
  2. (b) l. s. d. under paragraph (b) of Sub-section (1) of Section Two of the Act, on account of an increase in the rates payable by me from l. s. d. per to l. s. d. per in respect of the premises.
  3. (c) l. s. d. under paragraph (c) of Sub-section (1) of Section two of the Act, being per cent. on the net rent of the premises. The net rent is l. s. d. The standard rent is l. s. d.
  4. (d) l. s. d. under paragraph (d) of Sub-Section (1) of Section two of the Act, in respect of repairs, for which I am wholly [partly] responsible being per cent. on the net rent of the premises. The net rent is l. s. d. The standard rent is l. s. d.

*Here state improvements and alterations effected.

The increase under head (b) will date from, being one clear week from the date of this notice, and the remaining in- creases from, being four clear weeks from the date of this notice.

†At any time or times, not being less than three months after the day of 19, you are entitled to apply to the County Court for an order suspending the increases under heads (c) and (d) above if you consider that the premises are not in all respects reasonably fit for human habitation or otherwise not in a reasonable state of repair. You will be required to satisfy the County Court, by a report of the sanitary authority or otherwise, that your application is well founded, and for this purpose you are entitled to apply to the sanitary authority for a certificate. A fee of one shilling is chargeable on ally application for a certificate, but if the certificate is granted you can deduct this sum from your rent. The address of the sanitary authority is



†This paragraph need not be included if there is no increase under head (d).—[Dr. Addison.]

Brought up, and read the First and Second time, and added to the Bill.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Bill be now read the Third time."


I only desire to say one word, and that is to express my regret that, in regard to a measure so important and so wide-reaching as this, the House should have been asked to pass it at such an hour in the morning. I make that remark because I desire to say further that the fault does not lie with the House, nor with any section of the House—for, having sat through this Debate, I am able to say from observation that from beginning to end there has been no element of obstruction in it—and for the fact that we are asked to pass this very important measure at this time in the morning the blame lies with the Government, and with Government alone.