HC Deb 16 June 1920 vol 130 cc1228-9
5. Colonel YATE

asked the Secretary of State for India whether, considering that he has prohibited the Auxiliary Force Bill brought in by the Government of India on the grounds that as at present advised he is opposed to the institution of compulsory military service in peace time, and that the European Association of India has cabled to him stating that their association regards the position in India with anxiety, he will state what steps he proposes to take to secure an efficient force, of equal strength to the existing force under the Indian Defence Act, for the protection of Europeans and their wives and families and to remove the anxiety on the subject that now exists in India?


The Government of India have been authorised to frame proposals for an Auxiliary Force on a voluntary basis.

Colonel YATE

Does the right hon. Gentleman suppose that this force on a voluntary basis will be equal in strength to the existing force?


I hope so. I am determined that we must have a satisfactory Indian defence force, and I am also determined that we should try to secure that force on a voluntary basis rather than on a conscription basis.

Colonel YATE

If the voluntary force does not come up to the present strength, will the right hon. Gentleman bring in the Auxiliary Force Bill?


Will not my hon. and gallant Friend be prepared to wait and see what we can do on a voluntary basis?