HC Deb 14 June 1920 vol 130 cc1049-50

Committee to consider of authorising the issue out of the Consolidated Fund of such sums not exceeding in the whole £10,000,000 as are required for the further development of the telephonic system; and of authorising the Treasury to borrow money, by means of terminable annuities or by the issue of Exchequer Bonds, for the issue of such sums or the repayment thereof to the Consolidated Fund; and of providing for the payment of the terminable annuities or of the principal of and interest on any such Exchequer Bonds out of moneys provided by Parliament for Post Office services, or if those moneys are insufficient, out of the Consolidated Fund—(King's Recommendation signified)—To-morrow.—[Lord E. Talbot.]

The remaining Orders were read, and postponed.