HC Deb 14 June 1920 vol 130 c862
14. Sir F. HALL

asked the Minister of Transport if he has yet had an opportunity of reviewing the arrangements made by the Government some years ago for the grant of subsidies to the Metropolitan District Railway Company and certain allied undertakings, including the London General Omnibus Company; atnd, if so, can he state what decision has been come to in the matter?


As my hon. and gallant Friend is aware, the Government of the day granted no direct subsidies to the London General Omnibus Company or to the London Tube Railways. I have previously explained to him the operation of the financial guarantees given to the Metropolitan District Railway In my Report to the Committee of this House, which dealt recently with the London Electric Railways (Fares) Bill, it was suggested that if the Committee sanctioned increased fares and charges in respect of this Company's undertaking, these special arrangements (that is, in regard to the financial guarantees to the Metropolitan District Railway) should be terminated. In giving evidence before the Committee, the Chairman of the Company said, "It has been agreed that the question of subsidy shall be determined by the Minister when this question goes through Parliament." There has been no opportunity hitherto of reviewing the position.