HC Deb 10 June 1920 vol 130 cc609-10
92. Mr. LYLE

asked the First Commissioner of Works what buildings in Paris are still rented on behalf of any British Ministries; what are the rents paid and which are the Ministries concerned; and when arrangements are being made to evacuate the French capital so far as British Departments are concerned?


The following buildings in Paris are still occupied by Government staffs:—

22, Rue d'Aguesseau and 22, Rue de l'Elysée. Rent £125 per month. For staff dealing with the carrying out of the Treaty with Germany.

Part of Hotel Campbell. Rent £550 per month. Occupied by the Delegation dealing with Treaty of Peace with Turkey.

Two flats in Rue de Bassano. Rent £50 per month. Occupied by representatives of the Admiralty, Air Ministry, Ministry of Shipping and Imperial War Graves Commission.

The question of evacuation is one for the Departments concerned, but I understand that the Hotel Campbell will be surrendered immediately.