HC Deb 08 June 1920 vol 130 c226
76. Viscount CURZON

asked the Home Secretary how many controls were established by the police on the roads of Great Britain for the inspection of motor licences between the 22nd and 31st of May under a General Order of the Home Office; how many police were so employed; if possible, at what cost; whether this action was taken universally: if so, for what reason the General Order was issued; whether more than one control was established on any one road; and, if so, for what reason?


No controls were established by the police under any General Order of the Home Office, because there was no Order on the subject. What actually happened was that the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, after prominent warning in the Press, decided to establish a number of controls during May to check the use of indistinguishable identification marks and devices for escaping identification, and at his instance it was suggested to County Chief Constables that, if they contemplated any similar action, it might be taken at the same time. I cannot give the number of controls established by the local police; the number in the Metropolis on the 22nd May, the last day on which special observation was kept, was about 60.

Viscount CURZON

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that I was stopped no fewer than three times in a distance of about 30 miles on the road to Ipswich, and was asked for my licence, and that it required eight constables to do it?