HC Deb 08 June 1920 vol 130 c192

I beg to present a petition from the citizens of the Burgh of Leith concerning the Edinburgh Boundaries Extension Bill, which seeks to incorporate the Burgh of Leith with the City of Edinburgh. The petition showeth that this amalgamation is not necessary to the natural growth of Edinburgh; that on three occasions Parliament, after inquiry, has confirmed the independent existence of Leith; that under the protection of Parliament the Burgh being independent has improved its health, increased its trade and reduced its debt charge; and that the citizens, being by an overwhelming majority opposed to the Bill, humbly pray and petition this Honourable House not to pass it into law, and that they may have such further and other relief in the premises as to this Honourable House may seem meet.


My attention has been called to the fact that according to the Standing Orders a Petition relating to a Private Bill should be presented by being deposited in the Private Bill Office. As the mistake in informing the hon. and gallant Member that he could present the Petition is mine, I will ask the hon. and gallant Member to bring his Petition to the Table.

Captain BENN

In thanking you, Sir, may I point out that I did describe the petition to you in a letter intimating my desire to present the same.