HC Deb 21 July 1920 vol 186 cc2014-5

Sir PARK GOFF reported from the Committee on Group F of Private Bills; That the parties opposing the Mersey Tunnel Bill [Lords] had stated that the evidence of William E. Langshaw, Manager, Birkenhead Corporation Ferries, was essential to their case and, it having been proved that his attendance could not be procured without the intervention of the House, he had been instructed to move that the said William E. Langshaw do attend the said Committee on Thursday next, at eleven of the clock, and for so long as the said Bill shall be under the consideration of the Committee; and that the said William E. Langshaw do bring with him the Report, dated 18th March, 1920, of the Technical Sub-Committee of the Cross River Traffic Committee, appointed 11th February, 1920, to Report on the question of improving the facilities with regard to Cross River Traffic, and the Report, dated 26th March, 1920, by the said William E. Langshaw to the Chairman and Members of the Cross River Traffic Committee.

Ordered, That William E. Langshaw do attend the Committee on Group F of Private Bills on Thursday next, at Eleven of the clock, and during the consideration of the Mersey Tunnel Bill [Lords], and do produce the said documents.