HC Deb 15 July 1920 vol 131 cc2763-4

The widow or dependant of a deceased officer or man shall be entitled to receive such pension, gratuity, or allowance as is awarded by the Minister under any Warrant or Order in Council for the time being in force in respect of that officer or man, and for the payment whereof money has been provided by Parliament, but the award of any such pension, gratuity, or allowance shall be subject to the conditions contained in the Warrant or Order.


I beg to move, after the word "or" ["the widow or"], to insert the word "any."

The object of this is to ensure that no dependants shall be left out under this provision, and if I can have an assurance that that is clear, I will not press the Amendment.


I do not think any advantage is to be gained by inserting these words other than that which is secured by the next Amendment which the Minister has on the paper.

Amendment negatived.


I beg to move at the end of the Clause to insert a new Sub-section— (2) Section eight of The War Pensions (Administrative Provisions) Act, 1919 (which provides for appeals to pensions appeals tribunals), shall have effect as though the words "or parent or dependant" were inserted therein after the words "motherless child.


Does this Amendment cover all classes of dependants? I do not want any dependant, because the relationship may be a little remote, to be excluded. All I ask is an assurance that all classes of dependants are covered.


I can give the assurance that all classes are covered, and will get the rights already granted to widows under the War Pensions Administrative Provisions Act, 1919.

Amendment agreed to.

Bill read the Third Time, and passed.