HC Deb 14 July 1920 vol 131 c2394

asked the Secretary of State for War whether married establishments have now been established in connection with the Army on the Rhine; whether the wives and children of soldiers in this Army who are upon the married list, or were upon that list prior to the War, are now afforded free passage to Germany; and whether accommodation for the families of soldiers upon the married list has now been provided in connection with the Army on the Rhine.


It has now been decided to allow families of soldiers serving with units of the British Army of Occupation on the Rhine, up to the number allowed on the pre-War married establishments for the Army, to join their units in Germany. The General Officer Commanding, Army of the Rhine, has been asked to make the necessary arrangements and to report when accommodation is ready for the reception of these families. As soon as his reply has been received the families will be despatched. They will be given free passages.