HC Deb 13 July 1920 vol 131 cc2140-1
41. Mr. N. MACLEAN

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he is aware that Mrs. Fulton, 580, Govan Road, Govan, mother of the late Private A. Fulton, No. 7,015, Gordon Highlanders, has been refused a pension on the ground that she is not in pecuniary need; and whether he will reconsider this decision?


As Mrs. Fulton was not dependent upon her late son prior to his enlistment, and as a recent inquiry into her circumstances showed that the income of her household was such that she could not be regarded as being in pecuniary need, the award of a parent's pension is not at present admissible under the terms of the Royal Warrant.


Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that this woman's husband is at present lying awaiting an operation, that there is no money coming into the house, that she is in necessitous circumstances; and is he aware further that when visitors do go to the houses of the applicants for pensions, and see those applicants in a comfortable position, they advise them to sell the furniture in order to get money before making further application?


If there be any recent change in the facts, I will gladly inquire about it, and have the case re-opened if there is any claim in favour of Mrs. Fulton. The information given to me was that we were not entitled to grant a pension, but if there is a change in the circumstances, that is a different matter, and I will inquire at once.


Have the Ministry of Pensions abandoned the payment of 5s. flat rate pension per week to parents, altogether apart from the question of dependence? Have they abandoned that?


If the hon. Gentleman will put that question down, I will in- quire into that aspect of this case, but that appears to be covered by the latter part of my answer that this woman is not eligible at present for a parent's pension.