HC Deb 13 July 1920 vol 131 cc2164-5

That they have agreed to,—

County Councils Association Expenses (Amendment) Bill,

Marriages Provisional Order Bill,

Local Government (Ireland) Pro-visional Orders (No. 2) Bill,

Pilotage Provisional Orders (No. 1) Bill,

Pilotage Provisional Orders (No. 2) Bill,

Gas Provisional Orders Bill, without Amendment.

That they have passed a Bill, intituled,

"An Act to dissolve the marriage of William Frank Osborne, of 18, Clifton Crescent, in the county of the city of Belfast, in Ireland, journalist, with Arabella Carmichael Osborne his now wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other purposes." [Osborne's Divorce Bill [Lords. ]

Osborne's Divorce Bill [Lords],

Read the first time; to be read a second time.

Lever Brothers (Wharves and Railway) Bill [Lords],

Reported, with Amendments; Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

Local Authorities (Payment of Expenses, &c.) Bill,

Adjourned Debate on Second Reading [15th June] to be resumed upon Tuesday next.

Official Secrets Bill [Lords],

Read the first time; to be read a second time upon Monday next, and to be printed. [Bill 169.]

Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Bill [Lords],

Read the first time; to be read a second time upon Monday next, and to be printed. [Bill 170.]

Census Bill [Lords],

Read the first time; to be read a second time upon Monday next, and to be printed. [Bill 171.]