HC Deb 12 July 1920 vol 131 c1938
45. Mr. ATKEY

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that the Glamorgan County Council have always refused to issue general identification numbers to the motor traders carrying on business within that area, and that this refusal causes inconvenience to the traders affected; and whether he will make representations to the Glamorgan County Council so as to secure for the traders affected the same commercial facilities for carrying on their business which are enjoyed by traders in every other part of the United Kingdom.


I am aware of the action taken by the Glamorgan County Council. The proviso, under Section 2 (4) of the Motor Car Act, 1903, enabling a county council to assign a general identification mark to a manufacturer or dealer, is purely permissive, and if the power is not exercised by a county council, I am not in a position to intervene.