§ 29. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHYasked the Prime Minister whether he has any information to the effect that 93 boxes of gold valued at about 35 million kroner have arrived at Christiania from Reval consigned to the firm of Good and Company, of Christiania, on account of the Russian Government; that this firm has secured large contracts from the Russian Government; and is it intended to interfere in any way with the delivery or handling of gold from Russia or the sending of goods to Reval in exchange for such gold by neutrals?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWI have no information as to the transaction referred to. 1643 His Majesty's Government have no control over gold received by neutrals in payment for goods delivered to Russia unless it is imported into this country.
§ Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHYWill there be any interference with the sending goods to Reval in exchange for such gold?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWI do not see how we could possibly interfere with gold coming from Reval.
§ Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHYWill the sending of goods be interfered with as put in my question?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWI cannot imagine how that would happen. I do not think SO.