HC Deb 07 July 1920 vol 131 c1489

Considered in Committee. [Progress, 6th July.]

[Mr. WHITLEY in the Chair.]

  1. CLAUSE 17.—(Personal Allowance.) 13,565 words, 1 division
  2. cc1571-7
  3. CLAUSE 28.—(Computation of profits and gains for purposes of Income Tax in relation to Corporation Profits Tax.) 4,028 words, 2 divisions
  4. cc1524-36
  5. CLAUSE 18.—(Deduction in respect of relatives taking charge of widower's or widow's children.) 4,681 words
  6. cc1536-44
  7. CLAUSE 20.—(Deduction in Respect of Children.) 3,065 words
  8. cc1544-9
  9. CLAUSE 21.—(Deduction in respect of dependent relatives.) 1,965 words
  10. cc1549-52
  11. CLAUSE 22.—(Reduced rate of tax on first two hundred and twenty-five pounds of taxable income.) 834 words
  12. cc1552-7
  13. CLAUSE 23.—(No relief where individual not resident in the United Kingdom.) 2,047 words
  14. cc1557-9
  15. CLAUSE 24.—(Right of husband and wife to claim relief separately.) 955 words
  16. cc1559-62
  17. CLAUSE 25.—(Amendment of Section 82 of 8 & 9 Geo. 5, c. 40.) 933 words
  18. cc1562-71
  19. CLAUSE 26.—(Relief in Respect of Dominion Income Tax.) 3,676 words
  20. c1571
  21. CLAUSE 27.—(Extension of s. 25 of 9 & 10 Geo. 5. c. 32.) 101 words
  22. cc1577-83
  23. CLAUSE 31.—(Stamp duty on receipts.) 2,367 words
  24. cc1583-4
  25. CLAUSE 35.—(Stamp duty on marketable securities transferable by delivery, etc.) 383 words
  26. cc1584-90
  27. CLAUSE 36.—(Stamp duty on statements as to capital of companies, &c.) 2,581 words
  28. cc1590-1
  29. CLAUSE 37.—(Stamp duty on accident and indemnity policies.) 366 words
  30. cc1591-3
  31. CLAUSE 38.—(Stamp Duty on Policies of Sea Insurance.) 383 words
  32. cc1593-6
  33. CLAUSE 40.—(Continuance and increase of rate of Excess Profits Duty. 5 & 6 Geo. 5, c. 89.) 1,182 words
  34. cc1596-8
  35. CLAUSE 50.—(Reduction of Debt.) 810 words