HC Deb 05 July 1920 vol 131 cc1012-3

asked the Prime Minister whether the concession granted by the Turkish Government to the Turkish Petroleum Company before the War was for rights to take all oil discovered, or to be discovered, in the provinces of Mosul and Baghdad in return for the payment of a lump sum down and a royalty on all oil taken or other financial payment; what were the financial terms of the concession, arid what payments will be made by the Turkish Petroleum Company to the Arab State of Mesopotamia for oil by way of royalty; whether the concession was for a limited number of years, and, if so, when is it renewable and on what terms; whether the British Government have appointed any directors on the board of the Turkish Petroleum Company to represent their interest in the concern; and whether they propose to buy out the remaining shares of the Turkish Petroleum Company on terms similar to those embodied in the agreement regarding the purchase of the Pacific Phosphate Company's rights in Nauru Island?


The rights granted to the Turkish Petroleum Company were as described by the hon. Member, but no financial terms and no period to the concession had been fixed when War broke out. There are two directors on the board of the company nominated by His Majesty's Government, in view of the ex-enemy interest acquired during the War. As already stated, a decision as to the future working of these fields has not yet been reached.


Are we to understand that the concession was granted in perpetuity, and that there is no time limit whatsoever when the concession comes to an end?


I do not know. Perhaps the hon. Member would put that specific question on the Paper.

Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

Will the terms of this concession be communicated to the House, as I asked last week?


I do not know. I was not aware of that question.