HC Deb 05 July 1920 vol 131 cc995-6

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company has arranged that during the high-pressure holiday traffic from Manchester to Blackpool and Southport tickets are issued in advance for certain trains, which trains are limited to a number of passengers; and, as this has saved overcrowding, guaranteed each passenger a seat, and equalised the load on each train, he will ask the London companies to adopt the same scheme for some of the popular holiday places near London for which there are large crowds of traffic during the holiday season?


The system adopted by the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway is specially suitable for passenger traffic between two terminals, without intermediate stops. it has also been adopted by at least one London company for its long-distance holiday traffic with success. The question of its adoption by other London companies is one for their own consideration, but I would point out that there must be, of necessity, greater difficulty in operating this system in London than in smaller cities, in view of the hardships which would be inflicted on passengers who are only passing through London from remote parts, and the inability of Londoners themselves who live at distances from the termini concerned to effect their bookings without considerable inconvenience.