HC Deb 02 July 1920 vol 131 cc953-4

(5) Regulations under this Act may provide for the reference to central or local committees representing employers and employed persons, for consideration and advice of questions bearing upon the administration of this Act.


I beg to move, at the end of Sub-section (5) to add the words "and shall so provide where application is made jointly by central committees representing employers and employed persons."

This Amendment is put down on behalf of a class of persons who have only recently formed themselves into associations or unions and who, in the nature of things, can never be very powerful. They are a little afraid that they may be overlooked in the administration of this Bill. I am referring to associations of technical workers such as assistants to surveyors and architects, chemists, and people of that kind. They are only at the beginning of organisation and they are never likely to reach a stage when they will have strong local committees; their chief strength is likely to lie in central committees. While the large and powerful unions are never likely to be overlooked in questions of administration, those for whom I am speaking feel that it is possible that the small semi-professional bodies might not be consulted. As their members would be comparatively few, perhaps only two or three in a district, they fear that some of the rules and administrative regulations put into operation may not be suitable. They much desire the opportunity of being consulted on the question of administration, and they suggest that this Clause which is permissive should be made compulsory where a joint application is made. I hope that the right hon. Gentleman may be able to give us a satisfactory assurance on the question.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

I beg to Second the Amendment.


The effect of this might very well be to delay action. What I propose to do, though it is not in the statute, would be to consult and make the fullest use of the discretionary power which we have.


Would that apply to these semi-professional unions?


I think we ought not to exclude anybody. I hope my hon. Friend will be satisfied with that assurance, because nothing would be gained by trying to graft upon the statute a right for some nebulous body which is only here defined as a central committee.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.