HC Deb 01 July 1920 vol 131 cc630-1

asked the Prime Minister what are the respective duties and emoluments of the Lord President of the Council, the Lord Privy Seal, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and the Minister without portfolio?


(1) Lord President of the Council.—I would refer the hon. Member to the evidence upon the duties of the Privy Council Office laid by the Clerk of the Council before the Royal Commission on Civil Establishments which reported in the year 1914, since which important functions of a scientific character have been assigned to the Lord President in connection with the Committee of the Privy Council on Scientific and Industrial Research, the Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau, and the Medical Research Council. In addition to the above duties the present Lord President of the Council represents Great Britain on the Council of the League of Nations. The salary of the Lord President is £2,000 per annum.

(2)Lord Privy Seal.—There are no special duties attached to the office of Lord Privy Seal. The present holder is in receipt of a salary of £5,000 per annum.

(3)Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.—The duties of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster are to control the management of the Duchy estates and revenues and to exercise the patronage vested in him on behalf of His Majesty. His emoluments are £2,000 per annum, paid out of the revenues of the Duchy.

(4)Minister without Portfolio.—The duties of the Minister without portfolio are to assist in carrying on the Government, and he receives a salary of £5,000 per annum.


Arising out of that answer, does not the right hon. Gentleman think that of these four well-paid sinecures, three might be dispensed with?


Does the right hon. Gentleman look upon the office of Lord Privy Seal as a sinecure?


The office of Lord Privy Seal is a sinecure! But I can say, as regards the other three, if they do not earn their salaries, it is not because they have not plenty to do.

Captain BENN

Have the Government not assigned the representation of this country on the Council of the League of Nations as a permanent part of the duty -of the Lord President of the Council.


No, Sir; but he is at present exercising it.