HC Deb 24 February 1920 vol 125 c1469
30. Colonel YATE

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what outfit allowance and what gratuity has been granted to chaplains on the British establishment employed on service?


The amount of outfit allowance and gratuity varies according to the terms of service. The particulars are lengthy and, with the hon. and gallant Member's permission, I will circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

The following is the Statement referred to:—

Chaplains fall under three classes:—(1) Those holding permanent regular commissions. (2) Those holding commissions in the Territorial Force, (3) Those who were granted temporary commissions for the period of the Great War.

Outfit Allowance.—Officers of all these classes who were commissioned after 4th August, 1914, and those of Class (2), whenever they were commissioned, received the following grants in respect of the Croat War:—Outfit allowance, £22 10s.; camp kit allowance (when such kit was required), £7 10s. Officers in Class (1) received nothing in respect of the War.

Gratuity.—(1) Received War gratuity according to rank at same rates as combatant officers (Army Order 85 of 1919). (2) Received gratuity under Article 497 Pay Warrant. (3) Served under special contracts which provided for a gratuity of 60 days' pay for each year or part of a year of satisfactory service during the emergency.