HC Deb 18 February 1920 vol 125 cc860-1

asked the Secretary of State for India what instructions, if any, have been sent by him to the Government of India or to the Governor of Madras with regard to the framing of the franchise rules governing the representation of non-Brahmans in the province of Madras; and whether an agreement has been reached by the Government of India with regard to the method and amount of representation to be given to the non-Brahmans in Madras?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Mr. Herbert Fisher)

My right hon. Friend has sent no instructions either to the Government of India or the Governor of Madras, beyond requesting, them to carry out as speedily as possible (along with other recommendations) the recommendation of the Joint Select Committee contained in paragraph of their Report under the heading "Clause 7" and explaining to the Governor of Madras that in recommending provision for non-Brahmans of "separate representation by means of reservation of seats" the Committee did not intend to recommend the setting up of separate electorates consisting only of non-Brahmans. The Viceroy reported on the 26th January that Lord Willingdon was hopeful of a speedy settlement of the matter. I am not aware whether a settlement has actually been reached.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that the Joint Committee expressly suggested that the matter should not be left to the Governor of Madras, but dealt with by the Government of India on its own initiative; and that a great deal of unrest has been caused in Madras by the intervention of the Governor of Madras in the very delicate negotiations.

Sir J. D. REES

Who should properly intervene, or more properly intervene, than the Governor of Madras?


I think it is quite obvious that the Governor of Madras is the proper person.

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