HC Deb 17 February 1920 vol 125 c684
20. Major GLYN

asked the Secretary of State for War whether it is intended to-issue any Army Order in the near future regarding the terms and conditions of Reserve service for officers and men, especially in view of the anxiety of many officers who intend to resign their commissions as soon as they are acquainted with the new regulations; and whether there is congestion and a large number of officers in excess of establishment, thus blocking promotion and discouraging young officers from continuing in the service?


The conditions of service in the Reserve of Officers are still under consideration, and I cannot say at present when it will be possible to make an announcement on the subject. As regards other ranks, it is not proposed to alter the pre-war terms and conditions of Reserve service, but the enlistment into Section D of the Reserve of a certain number of those who served in the late War is at present being considered.

Major GLYN

Is it the policy of the War Office to ask those officers and men who have had experience in the War to remain at the disposal of the country in case of emergency, thereby effecting economy in the matter of military expenditure?


I cannot answer that question unless it is put down.