HC Deb 17 February 1920 vol 125 cc703-4
50. Captain BAGLEY

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what amounts have been expended during the current financial year on the railways, coal, and bread subsidies; and what the respective totals are likely to be for the whole financial year?


I am informed that the particulars desired are as follow:—

Expenditure to date. Revised Estimate 1919–20.
Railway Agreements Vote. £ 45,600,000 From £50,000,000 to £53,000,000
Coal Deficiency Vote 22,631,000 £32,200,000
Bread Subsidy Vote 49,400,000 £56,500,000

It should be added that it is estimated that, should the Coal Emergency Bill now before Parliament become law, about £20,000,000 of the expenditure incurred from the Coal Deficiency Vote will be recovered. A good deal of it would have been recovered if the measure of last Session had been passed.

Captain BAGLEY

What would be the price of the 4lb. loaf to-day if it were not for this subsidy?


I have to deal with a great many figures, and I cannot undertake to carry them all in my head. I think it is one—well, I think I had better not say.