HC Deb 16 February 1920 vol 125 cc478-9
3. Mr. SITCH

asked the President of the Board of Trade, if he has been approached by the Association of Midland Local Authorities for the purpose of securing the same 10s. reduction in the price of coal supplied to water undertakings as has already been allowed to gas and electricity concerns: whether the Board has been unable to accede to this application; and, if so, having regard to the dissatisfaction felt at that decision by numerous local authorities, he will state the reason for this preferential treatment in this matter allowed to the particular public supply companies indicated as compared with those undertakings engaged in the no loss essential supply of water?


The Coal Mines Department have no record of a complaint from the Association of Midland Local Authorities. The differential treatment to which the hon. Member refers is consequent upon the application of the reduction of 10s. per ton in the price of coal for household or domestic purposes as from the 1st December last, to that proportion of the coal supplied to gas and electricity undertakings which is used for making gas or electricity for domestic or household purposes. While there is a close relation between the domestic purposes for which coal and gas and electricity are used, there is not such a close relation between coal and water. In the circumstances it was decided not to bring water works within the scope of this special arrangement.