HC Deb 12 February 1920 vol 125 c231
75. Major KELLEY

asked if any steps are to be taken by the Government to make a definite statement as to the alleged profiteering in the wool trade?


The Central Committee established under the Profiteering Act have appointed a Sub-Committee to investigate the Cost of Production and Distribution of Wool Tops and Yarns at all stages, and the profits arising therefrom; and until their Report is presented the Government will clearly not be in a position to make any statement on the subject.


Can these reports be expedited?


The reports are published at the earliest possible moment, but it is no use imagining that a complicated investigation of this kind can be carried through in one or two days. We have had one example of a Committee being hurried with most unfortunate results to the Committee and everybody concerned, and most undesirable inaccuracies crept in.