HC Deb 09 August 1920 vol 133 cc5-6
11. Commander Viscount CURZON

asked the Minister of Transport whether traffic congestion in the Metropolitan area has increased since the Report of the Select Committee on London Traffic was issued; whether any new proposals have been made by public authorities and private companies, and brought forward since the publication of the Report referred to; whether these proposals would have the effect of further adding to the traffic congestion in the London streets; and whether, in view of these circumstances and of the certainty of yet further traffic difficulties, he can make some statement with regard to the setting up of a Traffic Board for London before the Recess?


I understand that the Report of the Advisory Committee on London Traffic is referred to. There are no data available to indicate that traffic congestion has increased since the Advisory Committee reported. On the other hand some improvements by the passenger carrying undertakings have been effected, more particularly by increases in rolling stock. As regards the remainder of the question, I would refer the hon. and gallant Member to the reply which was given him in this connection on the 12th ultimo.