HC Deb 09 August 1920 vol 133 c22
44. Mr. CLYNES

asked the Prime Minister whether on 12th November, 1919, he stated to a deputation on the subject of the Channel Tunnel that the problem would again be examined carefully from the military, engineering, and naval point of view; that the Government would then be in a position to give a definite answer; that if the military advice were favourable the Government would be prepared to support the scheme on general grounds; whether the problem has now been examined; and, if so, when can a definite answer be given on the subject of the tunnel?


The answer to the first three parts of the question is in the affirmative. I regret that I am not in a position to add anything to the reply given to my right hon. Friend on Monday last.


Does the right hon. Gentleman mean that the matter has been referred to the engineering and military authorities, and that these authorities have reached a decision, and the Government have not been able to consider that decision?


The matter has been referred, and the views of the experts have been expressed. They are conflicting. It is a very difficult and complicated question, and the Government is not now in a position to give the time to the consideration of it.