HC Deb 29 April 1920 vol 128 c1388
13. Lieut.-Colonel ALLEN

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he is aware that public bodies in Ireland are limited to a 1d. rate for the purpose of maintaining public libraries; whether these public bodies find such a sum as this produces is totally inadequate for this purpose, owing to changed financial conditions; and whether, owing to the demand by these corporations and councils for permission to apply an increased rate, he will forthwith take the necessary measures to have the present English Public Libraries Act, 1919, applied to Ireland?


Public bodies in Ireland are limited to a rate of 1d. in the £ for the purpose of maintaining libraries, except where an art gallery is established in any county borough under the Public Libraries (Ireland) Acts, and in such boroughs a rate of 1½d. in the £ may be levied. So far, representations as to the inadequacy of the rate have been made by the Corporations of Dublin and Belfast, and four urban district Councils. With regard to the latter part of the question, I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the reply given to the question asked on this subject by my hon. Friend the Member for the Victoria Division of Belfast on the 4th March last.