HC Deb 28 April 1920 vol 128 cc1207-8

asked the Minister of Health whether he has received any resolutions of protest from the various trade unions and other organisations in the district of Bow and Bromley strongly protesting against the dumping of infectious and contaminated surplus stores of Government war materials in that district, and demanding that all such stores deposited there should be destroyed at once and no further quantities allowed be landed in this country, as, in their opinion, this dumping is responsible for the outbreak of small-pox in that district; and whether he can state what action he proposes to take in the matter?


I have received a resolution of protest from the Bow and Bromley Local Labour Party in regard to this matter. As stated yesterday by my hon. and gallant Friend, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Shipping, the stores referred to in the question are in course of removal, and it is expected that the removal will be completed by the end of next week. These stores will be thoroughly disinfected and deposited in premises which have been secured for this purpose outside London. The disinfection is being carried out under the supervision of one of the medical officers of the Ministry of Health. I am informed that no stores belonging to the Ministry of Shipping which are known to be infected are allowed to be placed in store until they have been adequately disinfected.