HC Deb 27 April 1920 vol 128 c1073

Resolutions reported,


Continuation of Duties (Customs).

4.0 P.M.

1. That the duties of Customs specified in the first column of the following table which were imposed by Part I. of the Finance (No. 2) Act, 1915, and continued by Section one of the Finance Act, 1919, in the case of the new import duties until the first day of May, nineteen hundred and twenty, and in the case of other duties until the first day of August, nineteen hundred and twenty, shall continue to be charged as from those respective dates until the dates specified as regards the said duties respectively in the third column of the said table:—

Duty. Section of Finance (No. 2) Act, 1915. Date to which Duty continued.
Increased duty on tea 1 1st August, 1921.
Additional duties on dried fruits. 8 1st August, 1921.
Additional duty on motor spirit. 10 (1) 31stDecember, 1920.
New import duties 12 1st May, 1921.

And it is declared that it is expedient in the public interest that this Resolution shall have statutory effect under the provisions of the Provisional Collection of Taxes Act, 1913."