HC Deb 27 April 1920 vol 128 c1012

asked what steps his Department is taking to verify the report of the murder and torture of two British officers by the Bolshevists; and whether this can be done by means of an official inquiry from members of the military mission and from refugees who have returned to this country?


As regards the first part of the question inquiries have been made from General Holman (formerly Commander of the British Military Mission in South Russia), since his arrival in England, and it has been ascertained that all information that was in the possession of the mission has already been placed at the disposal of the War Office. Efforts are also being made to obtain further information from refugees now in camps under British control. His Majesty's Government, moreover, have made, and are making, every endeavour to obtain information from the Soviet Government as to the fate of these two officers, but up to the present no definite reply has been received.

As regards the second part of the question, in view of what I have already stated, it is not considered that any further light can be thrown upon the reported murder and torture of the two British officers by the means suggested.

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