HC Deb 27 April 1920 vol 128 cc1037-8

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether a new office has been created for the purpose of supervising land settlement in Scotland; and, if so, who has been appointed, and what are his qualifications for the post?


Lieut.-Colonel Sir H. Arthur Rose, D.S.O., has been appointed to undertake the duties of Director of Land Settlement under the Board of Agriculture for Scotland. The appointment, which is a temporary one, is made with a view to developing and accelerating land settlement operations, more particularly in the interests of ex-service men. Sir Arthur Rose has, in the position of Food Commissioner for Scotland and in other public positions, shown very exceptional qualities as an organiser and administrator, and I consider myself fortunate in having been able to secure his services.

Major WOOD

Has he any agricultural qualifications?


He certainly has a most intimate knowledge of agriculture.

Major WOOD

Will he devote his whole time to the work, and is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this gentleman has been recently chairman of the education authority for Edinburgh?


My information is—I do not want to put it as a certain fact—that Sir Arthur Rose proposes to resign that particular appointment. In regard to the other part of the question, it would not be reasonable to ask a gentleman who has undertaken an appointment terminable at a month's notice to give his exclusive time to the performance of his duties, but these duties will have first call upon his time, and one can trust him to act accordingly.

Major WOOD

What is the salary?


Speaking from recollection, £1,200 a year, with the usual war bonus.