HC Deb 26 April 1920 vol 128 cc853-4
75. Major LOWTHER

asked the Under- Secretary for Foreign Affairs whether the British Government has any diplomatic agent accredited to the Mexican Government; if so, what is his rank and status; and, if not, how much longer he means to leave British interests in Mexico unrepresented?


His Majesty's Government is represented at Mexico City by a Charge des Archives and a Consul-General.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that during the whole time we have teen unrepresented in Mexico the United States have been represented there by an Ambassador, and during the late War and during the whole of the time of the political troubles in Mexico, and that consequently British interests have been neglected and greatly prejudiced in that country, where some hundreds of millions of British money is invested; and is he aware of the fact?


The hon. Member must put his question down.

76. Major LOWTHER

asked the Under- Secretary for Foreign Affairs whether he has received any Report from His Britannic Majesty's representative in Mexico regarding recent events in that country; and whether the lives and property of British subjects have been respected by the contending forces?


Reports have been received of risings against the Mexican Government in the States of Sonora, Michoacan, and elsewhere, but I am not yet in a position to judge the importance of the movement. There is no indication that the lives or property of British subjects have been endangered by the disturbances in question.

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