HC Deb 21 April 1920 vol 128 c379

asked the Minister of Labour whether ex-Army students at the University of Liverpool proceeding through a five years' course to a degree in veterinary surgery may be granted an equal subsidy to that given to medical students, seeing that for the first two years the standard required for both classes is identical and training practically identical and that the expense to the student for both is the same.

The MINISTER of LABOUR (Dr. Macnamara)

I would refer my hon. Friend to the reply to his question of 24th March. As stated in that reply, the maximum annual awards permissible under the Training Grant Scheme for students proceeding to veterinary degrees at the University of Liverpool are the same as for medical students at the Institution. The scheme provides machinery whereby a student who feels that the amount of his award is inadequate, can appeal for an increase within the maximum permissible. Actually, owing to the continued high cost of living, the average awards now being made are on a somewhat higher scale than they were three or four months ago. In view of the fact that cases are dealt with individually and that adequate machinery exists for remedying defects in assessment of grants, a general equalisation does not seem to be called for. I might add, however, that instructions have been given to the District Director to make fuller inquiry into the question, which will be further considered on receipt of his report. If my hon. Friend has in mind any individual case of hardship, I shall be glad if he will furnish me with particulars of it.