HC Deb 14 April 1920 vol 127 c1676
35. Colonel ASHLEY

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he will consider an extension of the terms of Army Order 325, of 1919, so that the pre-War service pensions of men who have served during the War with the Colonial and Dominion Forces may be revised under the increased rates, in view of the fact that very great hardship is involved to these men, who have given satisfactory military service in defence of this country, and that their case compares unfavourably with that of the men of the Navy, whose pre-War pensions are reassessed if they served in a military capacity with any force during the War; and whether he will further consider the question of permitting men who served during the War with the overseas forces to count such service, together with pre-War service in the British Army, in order to complete the required time to qualify for long-service pension?


I understand that the re-assessment of naval pensions is limited to certain cases which have no parallel in the Army. I am afraid I can hold out no hope of any extension of the existing rules.