HC Deb 14 April 1920 vol 127 cc1663-4
30. Mr. SPOOR

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if the Governor of Ceylon has now arrived, and if he is accompanied by the Attorney-General of Ceylon; if they have been able to lay before the Colonial Office proposals for the reform of the Ceylon Constitution; if he intends to publish the proposals before final shape is given to them; and if he intends to give the House an opportunity to express its opinion upon the projected measure of reform before the nation is committed to it?

Lieut.-Colonel AMERY

The Governor and the Attorney-General of Ceylon have arrived, but the Secretary of State has not yet had an opportunity of discussing the matter with them. I do not think it would be of advantage to publish the proposals in a provisional shape, and I am not in a position at present to give any undertaking as to the stage at which it will be most convenient to discuss them in this House.


May we have a pledge that we shall be allowed to discuss the Constitution proposed for Ceylon before it is enacted by the Ceylon Legislature? Will it be laid on the Table of the House with an opportunity for discussion?

Lieut.-Colonel AMERY

I think I can undertake that we shall not take any final steps without giving an opportunity for further discussion and giving proper information to the House.